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Shop Update: Lemurian Seed Crystal Wands

Shop Update: Lemurian Seed Crystal Wands

These ancient Lemurian crystals hold so much depth, character, and vibrational energy. They capture your attention and promote a deeply meditative state.  As you hold it, run your thumb up and down the etchings across the face and sink deeper into its energy. 

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These linear ridges are called, by some healers, Record Keepers or the Akashic Records.  The Akashic Records give access to your soul's history and reveal loving, affirming, and gentle healing insights.  Lemurians hold the history of both the past and the future, a universal magic used by the people of Atlantis.

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While the history of Lemurians is highly intriguing and dream provoking, I encourage you to sit with this crystal and find deep personal meaning yourself!

Lemurians are a wonderful addition to propel your meditation, reiki, massage, and yoga practices.  They are found in beautiful spas, homes, and sacred places all around the world because of their vibrant loving energy.

New Lemurian

You may read all the literature about these special Lemurian specimens but I encourage you to experience connecting with one while allowing the energy to emanate within you.  Simply hold the Lemurian, gaze at it, feel the striations, and tap into the energy.  Ask yourself:

What are the sensations that arise in my body? 

What emotion or word is coming to me?

What insights are being revealed?

It has been written that Lemurians promote an access to knowledge and wisdom, along with an awareness of the Akashic files and connection with higher realms and spirit guides.

This piece has beautiful ladder etchings and is lovely for meditation.  Perfect for your home studio, office, altar, or to bring great energy to your living spaces!  

Check Out The Lemurian Seed Quartz Collection