Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox

Linear time is subjective. We are not meant to be on all the time, everyday. We need to share our gifts with the world, share what brings us joy, help one another, without burning out. The more we can call in the natural cycles of light and dark, work and rest, presenting and looking inwards, the more balanced out energy will become. By honoring natural moments of restoration, reflection, rebirth, rest, we  recalibrate our inner fire that drives us to find flow in our lives. As we pass daylight savings, start to pay attention to the moon cycle, the seasons, and your internal clock.

The equinox presents an opportunity for us to find equilibrium by aligning ourselves with the natural rhythm of the seasons. It invites us to embrace the ever-changing cycle of time and be fully present in this moment. It's a time for reflection, processing emotions, nurturing our dreams, and cultivating trust in the unfolding journey.

Now is the time to be present and acknowlege the Spring Equinox and what is means to you.  Perform a intention ritual with your crystals, journal with your crystals by your side, or create a crystal grid.

#cyclicalbeing #trustyourbody #daylightsavings #knowyourbody #Energy #confident #Brave #Energylevels #selftalk #restore #rest #selfcare #selflove #Moontime #crystalenergy
#Gentleness #Quiet #Boundaries #energeticneeds