New Moon Crystal Ritual

New Moon Crystal Ritual

New Moon Ritual: Lay Out Your Crystals for Energy Renewal 
As the sky grows dark, without the glow of moonlight, remember where in your home you could see the moon shining through the windows. I located a chair in my loft, when the moon is full, moonbeams glow down from the skylight onto the chair. It is a cozy spot to lay my crystals I am working with on ritual nights. We can assume our full moon locations are also good spots for our crystals, jewelry, and moon water to be laid out and cleansed overnight on the nights of a New Moon
Crystal Ritual: Set Intentions 
Labradorite crystal jewelry empowers us to reach our goals and intentions
New Moons are all about rest, restoration, and planting new seeds of intentions. Visualize a new seed, deep within the soil. It is dark and still, quiet and calm. You may be matching this energy. Like a baby, this seed needs time in its underground womb before it can sprout, bloom, or grow. 
This ritual you may do every cycle- write down four or five new intentions for this lunar cycle. Some intentions will be realized within only a couple of weeks. Whenever this occurs, you reaching a goal, should be observed and celebrated! But many intentions will take 10 cycles or even 10 years to manifest, and that is okay, you can honor the divine timing.  There’s so much in the universe that needs to be lined up just right before your desire alchemizes, so don’t expect a quick reply.  Simply carry over your intentions yet to come true to the next New Moon in the lunar cycle. 
I like to infuse one of my crystals with one of my intentions. I feel your crystal is here to support you, remind you of the oneness of the universe, ground your Free Will, and remind you that you are not alone. A crystal can be your physical reminder of the intention you are manifesting. While holding your crystal in your palm, speak you intention aloud. Hold it. Listen to it. Feel it, noticing any emotions or ideas that it might have stirred up within you. Place your crystal in the moonlight, maybe a chair, table, or windowsill, and leave it there overnight. Try to retrieve your crystal as soon as you’re awake the next day, avoiding the summer sunlight.    
Moon Water, Smudging, Tarot Card Pull, Journaling, Meditation, there are many rituals you can take on and perform them on a cyclical basis. Noticing the moon, where it is in the sky, what phase it is in, has significantly improved my life, helping to reduce burnout,  connect with Gaia, becoming present, and it may do the same for you!
smoky quartz wand for crystal meditation ritual
A crystal grid is a powerful ritual for beginners and starseeds