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  • Sacred geometry quarts Pendant and Necklace Copper electroformed
  • sacred geometry crystal necklace
  • sacred geometry quartz crystal necklace
  • quartz crystal electrofomed necklace
  • cut clear quartz electroformed necklace
  • handmade electroformed crystal necklace
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Boho Bahia

Clear Quartz Sacred Geometry Necklace

Regular price
$147.00 CAD
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Sale price
$147.00 CAD
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In Greek a dodecahedron δωδεκάεδρον, is from δώδεκα dōdeka "twelve" + ἕδρα hédra "base", "seat" or "face."  In geometry it is any polyhedron with twelve flat faces. This ancient sacred shape represents the universe and is linked to the higher self. The shape is used for focus and meditation while the copper amplifies energy- or so the literature says.

Sacred geometry is a powerful energy tool.  It has been told that using sacred geometry shapes focuses our intentions and the universal energy increases to improve health and wellbeing to a person, family, home or workspace. An energy increase occurs when a stronger vibration is introduced to a weaker one, and the weaker energy will be strengthened by the stronger one.

  • Brazilian Cut Clear Quartz Crystal Pendant
  • Sacred Geometry (Dodecahedron)
  • Electroformed  Pendant
  • 1" L Pure Copper Chain Necklace 17"-21" L