Newest Elestials, Smoky Quartz that Ground

Newest Elestials, Smoky Quartz that Ground

Ahhh, the self healing Smoky Elestials, beauties from Brazil and perfect in every way!  Ideal for those seeking a loving, grounding energy, these are potent Brazilian Smoky Elestial crystals and selected for the quality and linage.

During these times, grounding yourself is more important than ever before.  When you are able to ground, you are able to clear out stagnant, unbalanced, or negative energy to create room for expansive, high vibrational energy that emits light and oneness. 

When you hold and connect with a crystal, you are tapping into the spirit and energy of Mother Earth.  When you are grounded in this dimension, you are naturally connected to a constant stream of Earth energy and nourished by Gaia- bonus points if you are working with your crystals while earthing in the outdoors.

Crystals help us be in the present moment.  They help us ground and tune into our inner knowing.  As you meditate with crystals, your grounding clears out dark energy and you are able to hold a higher frequency and anchor the light.

During these times, we are called here to Earth to help bring light, bring respect to divine nature, and raise the collective consciousness to work for a more just and heart centered existence.  Using a Smoky Quartz or an Elestial may help you bring these intentions into reality.
smoky elestial xl quartz crystal
 Large Round Smoky Elestial Meditation Crystal
Interior Design Large Smoky Elestial Crystal

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